domingo, 19 de setembro de 2010

Kindle Mais Caro para os Latinos

Há um mês, quando fiz o post dos Kindles, em paralelo acabei entrando em contato com a Amazon para tirar uma dúvida bastante sinistra. Livros vendidos para a América Latina custam sempre 2 Dólares a mais.

Penso eu que apesar de estranho, [e um fato até da imaginável do ponto de vista jurídico mas... até livros que supostamente são grátis custam 2 Dólares a mais. Vou deixar claro:

10 + 2 = 12 (20% mais caro)
0 + 2 = 2 (infinitamente mais caro)

Legal não? Bom vamos aos emails. Não vou traduzir, porque se você tem algum interesse em Kindles e esta lendo este post é porque você entende inglês.



Is it true that some books from Kindle Store can't be bought by users from

outside USA (Brazil, in that case)? If it's true, what books are in this
list? Could you send me a document with this updated list site with this
information? Another question: is there any fee for downloading books from
Wifi or International 3g (Kindle Samples, and Kindle full books), i heard
something about a $2 dollar fee, is that true?

Thanks in advance,




Publishers grant eBook rights on a country by country basis, as a result availability and pricing of titles in the Kindle Store can vary by your home country or region. So We can't give you the exact list of the books which are not available to the customers outside the U.S.

When you 're browsing in the Kindle store, you'll see different prices for different countries.

If you simply wish to browse titles in the Kindle Store on to see the selection available by country or region, log out of your account by clicking the "(Not Your Name)" link at the top of the page.

You'll also find helpful information on our Using Kindle If You Live Outside the United States Help page (

I hope this information helps. We look forward to seeing you again soon.


Falou das editoras e tal, mas queria uma resposta mais significativa. Então joguei baixo, e citei outro o fato de que livros físicos não tem este problema da taixa de 2 Dólares, então porque os digitais teriam?

Hi i heard that amazon had tons of free books for kindle users. That's nice.
But the strange thing is: for some regions outside USA like Latin America
there is a $2 dollar fee on top of it (0 + 2 = 2). In fact, this fee is
applied to ALL kindle books delivered for Latin America users. I can't
imagine why such a thing exists, after all, I could import a "real" book and
the price would be the same. Why the digital version won't? Weird.

My point is: why Treasure Island is free for USA users and $2 dollars for
Latin Americans and Africans? Just remembering that the same book can be
downloaded for free in the:

Is it going to change anytime soon? And why is that?

Thanks in advance,




All items available in the Kindle Store are listed in U.S. dollars (USD), and the availability and pricing of titles from the Kindle Store varies by your home country or region.

You'll also find helpful information on our Using Kindle If You Live Outside the United States Help page (

I hope this information helps. We look forward to seeing you again soon.


Bla bla bla, não responderam minha pergunta. O interessante é que para cada email desses, eu clicava no link para indicar que não estava satisfeito com a resposta, e mandava a nova pergunta. Nesta última tentativa recebi até elogio do atendente.


Every "KINDLE" book for Latin America is 2 dollar higher. If the same book as paperback have the same price it's definitily not a publisher issue I suppose. Is there any special reason for this 2 dollar "tax"? It's applied even for the so called "free kindle books", so the 0 becomes 2 and well, mathematically thats a HUGE price difference. Why is that?



I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused.

As one of my colleagues has explained to you earlier, all items available in the Kindle Store are listed in U.S. dollars (USD). So, the same book shows a different price in countries outside US. This difference in price may include tax, customer duties, etc. Unfortunately, we've no control over these fees (taxes, custom duties, etc).

Strong customer feedback like yours helps us continue to improve the service we provide, and we're glad you took time to write to us. The Kindle Team will carefully review your comments.

We hope to see you again soon.


Bom, não tive minha resposta exatamente, mas pelo menos o cara admitiu que eles não tem controle sob as taxas (leia-se, não faz a mínima ideia de como me responder) e deu a entender que de fato o Kindle Store está agindo com "leis obscuras de tributação". Ponto negativo.

Vale salientar quê, existem sim alguns livros que mesmo na América Latina são de graça, mas são bem poucos.

Levem isso em conta caso queiram comprar um.

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